Prior to creating Marcus Goncalves Consulting
group, Prof. Goncalves held the appointment of
Chief Knowledge Officer and subsequently Chief
Technology Officer at Virtual Access Networks
2002), where he lead, developed and co
patented the concept of a dynamic transcoding
proxy, or an internet “cloud,”
awarded Best
Enterprise Product at Comdex in the fall of 2001;
this lead directly to Symantec acquiring the company six months later. At
that time, he was CEO of iCloud (2003), which was acquired by GenExpo a
year later, and the acting COO of
MGCG originally specialized in IT solutions, training
and applications, but
after the revolution, the group decided to focus on general
management, project management, developing business in emerging
economies, risk & knowledge management. MGCG attracted partners
worldwide and consulted in more than 60 countries all over the world.
MGCG is nowadays a wide network of engaged and trained consultants,
working together with more than a dozen of partners. MGCG had a wide
array of clients, from small and medium sized enterprises to several global